Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Chiang Mai Adventures Cont.

Here is the view from the Temple on the hill of Chiang Mai. There are dragon/snake tails lining the sides of the steps up to the temple. The view of the city from the top was amazing. Here is the corner where our guest home was, located in the heart of Chiang Mai. It was a fun outdoor set up with just the adjoining rooms completely enclosed. It only cost us 150 Bot to stay in there with AC and everything per night which comes to about...$4.50. Not too bad for something so quiant and close.
Here is a photo of one of the many Wats located in town, the view was worth every moment.
This is the view from one of the canopies we were on waiting to zip line to another platform. The jungle seemed to go on forever. My favorite part was hearing the monkeys off in the distance as we swung like monkeys on our lines.
This is the group all together after our ride in the jungle. Everyone looks a little goofy with the doo-rags on from the helmets, but we had such a fun time, and the guides made it all the better so we made sure to include them.

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