Friday, November 19, 2010

Shibui Inspired by a Peacock

         This past week's assignment for LaMar's Color Theory class was a hospital/rehabilitation room inspired by Shibui. This means we were to pick an object from nature and take the exact percentages of color from that object and create an inspiration board from it. 
         It was not supposed to be a true color board with wrapped fabrics or exact outlines, but a mixture of random elements that came from inspiration of the colors. I chose to do a peacock feather and loved the color combination that came from it.  I would have never put the colors together, but when it was finally finished I really enjoyed and loved the colors. 
A work in progress...

The finished product to present. 

This was one of my favorite projects to do yet. I loved doing a vivid rich color scheme, and getting to use fun daily objects to apply on the board. -This technique is a great way to pull colors for a room. It is said that if you pick a beautiful object from nature and pull the exact colors from it, it will undoubtedly be beautiful, work in harmony, and prove to be timeless.

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