Sunday, March 27, 2011

Viva Las Vegas!

Vegas turned out a little chillier than we were hoping for, but needless to say it was gorgeous, and so fun to walk around with a design perspective. We had so much fun shopping, sightseeing, and ... driving around a lot

My adorable friends Aubrey, Samantha & paige. We were just "voted" in as the presidency of the 2011-2012 school year for the Interior Design program. We're so excited to get started on a fun year with new activities and ways to network with designers in the area.

I loved the ceiling designs in the hotels, check them out.

Beautiful glass art, as seen in the Energy Solutions Arena

 Loved the color combinations and gutsy prints of these stunning suits.

 Loving our Nieman Marcus cookies and our new favorite place to shop: Zara (you'll have to check it out if you haven't yet)

1 comment:

Madeline said...

okay zara is like the store of STORES in france. they are everywhere! love it. and you are just so talented and i love looking at all the amazing things you are doing. i am so impressed!