Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Invitations, cards, logos, & all things design...

I've been busy working on some fun graphic design projects & thought I'd share a few of the recent designs created for numerous occasions...

I absolutely love when family gets together & this past week we had 3 major reasons to gather, A wedding, a new baby boy and a new baby girl! We had a little family shower following the pre wedding dinner, here is just a fun little invite that was sent out.

Logo that I used for my Space Planning projects for school this past semester. Inspired by an invitation I came across while doing my usual design web binge

You may have seen this from my previous semester of Interior Design, its an informative poster for the "Mock" Furniture Market in SLC.

For each project we turn in we include a Title Block, here is one I used on my concept board for my friend Aubrey Smith's dream kitchen.

Birthday Invitation for the big Two Zero!
My mom is inspired by the Blogger world and decided she would create one of her own for her calling as Preparedness Specialist. Here is the logo I came up with for her front page. 
Check her Clever Pomegranate Site out
*You may not see the logo up quite yet, it takes a bit for her to figure out some of this rapid technology craze.

A friend I met through our trip to Thailand with the HELP International Organization, Garrett Jensen, called me up a month or so ago in need of a logo revision. We played around with a few ideas, this was my personal favorite, not sure if we ever achieved the perfect fit, but it gave me something fun to do!
*Check out the amazing HELP International program 
*Also Check out GUVU's facebook page 
Another fun invitation that went along with the SLC Furniture Market

As I mentioned earlier my family gathered together last weekend for my beautiful cousin's wedding. I created her invitation to be sent out to friends and family, take a look.
The past few months I have had the great opportunity to work with my cousins in their real estate office. This has given me some great opportunities to pull together some design, marketing & web design.
Here is a photo of their office & new logo that we used on their website.

Logo to be used on their business cards, letterheads, website & all marketing materials.
Previous logo option

For my dad's law practice I put together a design for his business cards, website, billboard, and marketing materials. 

That sums up my graphic designs for the last little while, I'm excited for more to come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GREAT JOB~~~~~ Keep up the great work. I am proud of you and all you are accomplishing.
Love you, Kathy Lazott