Sunday, December 19, 2010

Finals Week: Textiles Color Board

Finals week brought on almost more than I could handle with a pile of final projects for 17 credits of classes, but in the end everything came together thanks to some late nights and many prayers. One of the first finals I turned in was for my class in textiles. We were to partner up with a classmate and swap a magazine clipping of a room in which we would change only the textiles in the room to change the ambiance and appearance of the space. This color board was a little different than any I had been doing before. It was to be 16x20, have all the specs on each of the fabrics chosen, and have labels for each. In the end I enjoyed putting it together and liked trying new things.
           It ended up being a great learning experience for me because I was paired with a girl who had taste so different from mine. The challenge was great to push my creative skills and deal with "real world" design trials. She ended up loving it and I didn't mind it so much myself. 

I found the best deal on a canvas from a nearby store covered it with a beautiful gold harlequin fabric and lined it with a black card-stock border to finish it off.
I'm trying new logos out to decide which I like best and working on something to go with all design types.

The final finished product with large textile samples, logos, a title and the inspiration magazine clip. She said she liked the dark maroon/reds, dark green, and blues. I chose fabrics that would bring in the rich color scheme she was seeking while keeping it classy and not too stuck in the 90's. 

1 comment:

Lauren said...

ok, this looks like so much fun!
I probably wouldn't be as great as mixing and matching patterns as you are though, skill.