Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mixing two of my favorite design mediums: Graphic & Interior...

This week for my Principles of Design class we were asked to create a 20 x 30 Poster and a 5 x 7 flyer for a mock upcoming "Furniture Market" just like the High Point market in North Carolina, but this time it will be in Salt Lake City for the Spring of 2011. 

     I knew this would be one of my favorite assignments because it would be a great way for me to be able to put my love of graphic design to use in the interior design world. 

    After a lot of research and inspiration searching I came up with the following design for both my poster and flyer. I think it has a fun fresh yet classic look. I chose the grey and yellow colors because it is what everyone is craving these days and will help to catch the attention of the designers across the US. I'll post pictures of the 20 x 30 poster that maybe some clips of my inspiration pieces. 

"Calling all Designers to SLC's Furniture Market which will forecast the top trends for the year 2011"

1 comment:

The Lucky One said...

Brandalyn! This turned out AMAZING! I absolutely Love it. Your skills impress me, and make me a tiny bit jealous of them...:)